How to play?
P. Z. Skill Game is a general knowledge based game
P. Z. skill game can be played using your knowledge and skills
This game can be played by answering questions prepared from various subjects like Mathematics, General Knowledge, Physics, Chemistry, Social Science.
It's time to show off your skills and be glorified!
*Follow these simple steps to get started:
1) To enter:
To enter the game, four math-based questions must be answered.
2) Select a match:
Choose any 15 minutes between 10 am and 10 pm from your mobile application or desktop outlet Use your general knowledge and show off your skills on a budget of a hundred credits.
3) Join the competition:
Answer 100 questions correctly
You will see each question in 8.7 seconds
You will be shown 100 questions in 15 minutes
A hint will be given to you in the last thirty seconds of fifteen minutes
Hint given in the last 30 seconds of fifteen minutes by keeping in mind the correct answers to 100 questions that appear on the screen
This will be a hint based on the answer to one of those hundred questions
The person who correctly chooses which of the 100 questions has the answer hint will be the winner
4) Follow the screen:
You see the questions on the screen yourself and give the correct answers
5) See the actual ·. Match and track your fantasies
Answer Questionnaires (updated every 15 minutes)
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