P. Z. SKILL GAME is flagship brand of p. z. skill game (opc) private limited p z skill game along with its sub-pages, and the p. z. skill game desktop App and mobile App p. z. skill game separate portals through which it offers General Knowledge p. z. skill game as used herein shall be construed as a


P. Z. Skill Game is a general knowledge based game
P. Z. skill game can be played using your knowledge and skills
This game can be played by answering questions prepared from various subjects like Mathematics, General Knowledge, Physics, Chemistry, Social Science.
It's time to show off your skills and be glorified!

*Follow these simple steps to get started:

1) To enter:

To enter the game, four math-based questions must be answered.

2) Select a match:

Choose any 15 minutes between 10 am and 10 pm from your mobile application or desktop outlet Use your general knowledge and show off your skills on a budget of a hundred credits.

3) Join the competition:

Answer 100 questions correctly
You will see each question in 8.7 seconds
You will be shown 100 questions in 15 minutes
A hint will be given to you in the last thirty seconds of fifteen minutes
Hint given in the last 30 seconds of fifteen minutes by keeping in mind the correct answers to 100 questions that appear on the screen
This will be a hint based on the answer to one of those hundred questions
The person who correctly chooses which of the 100 questions has the answer hint will be the winner

4) Follow the screen:

You see the questions on the screen yourself and give the correct answers

5) See the actual ·. Match and track your fantasies

Answer Questionnaires (updated every 15 minutes)

* Usage of P. Z. SKILL GAME

* Any person ("User") accessing P. Z. SKILL GAME. desktop App or mobile App platform for participating in the various Contests available on (p. z. skill game Services) shall be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and all other rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by p. z. skill games in relation to any p. z. skill game Services.
* p. z. skill game shall be entitled to modify these Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations, and terms of use to herein or provided by p. z. skill game in relation to any p. z. skill game Services.
* p. z. skill game may be subject to additional rules and regulations set down in that respect. To the extent that these Terms and Conditions are inconsistent with the additional conditions set down, the additional conditions shall prevail.
* p. z. skill game may, at its sole and absolute discretion:
* Restrict, suspend, or terminate any User's access to all or any part of p. z. skill game Platform Services.
* Change, suspend, or discontinue all or any part of the p. z. skill game Platform services.
* Reject, move, or remove any material that may be submitted by a User; '
* Move or remove any content that is available on p. z. skill game.
In the event any User breaches, or p. z. skill game reasonably believes that such User has breached these
Terms and Conditions or has illegally or improperly used.
p. z. skill game Services, p. z. skill game , at its sole and absolute discretion, and without any notice to the User, restrict, suspend, or terminate such User's access to all or any part of p. z. skill game Contests Platform, deactivate or delete the User's account and all related information on the account, delete any content posted by the User on p. z. skill game and further, take technical and legal steps as it deems necessary.
* Users consent to receiving communications such as announcements, administrative messages and advertisements from p.z.skill game or any of its partners, licensors or associates

1. Intellectual Property

p. z. skill game includes a combination of content created by p. z. skill game, its partners, affiliates, licensors, associates and/or Users. The intellectual property rights ("Intellectual Property Rights") in all software underlying p. z. skill game Platform and material published on p.z.skill game, including (but not limited to) games, Contests, software, advertisements, written content, photographs, graphics, images, illustrations, marks, logos, audio or video clippings and Flash animation, is owned by p.z.skill game , its partners, licensors and/or associates. Users may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute.
* Users may request permission to use any p.z.skill game content by writing in to pzskillgame .co.in Helpdesk.
* All names, logos, marks, labels, trademarks, copyrights or intellectual and proprietary rights on p.z.skill game (s) belonging to any person (including User),entity or third party are recognized as proprietary to the respective owners and any claims, controversy or issues against these names, logos, marks, labels, trademarks, copyrights or intellectual and proprietary rights must be directly addressed to the respective parties under notice to p.z.skill game.
* p.z.skill game contains content that is created by p.z.skill game as well as content provided by third parties. p.z.skill game does not guarantee the accuracy,, integrity, quality of the content provided by third parties and such content may not relied upon by the Users in utilizing the p.z.skill game Services provided on p.z.skill game including while participating in any of the contests hosted on p.z.skill game.

2. User Conduct

Users agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and terms of use of the Website. In the event User does not abide by these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and terms of use, p.z.skill game may, at its sole and absolute discretion, take necessary remedial action, including but not limited
* Any password issued by p.z.skill game to a User may not be revealed to anyone else. Users may not use anyone else's password. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their accounts and passwords. Users agree to immediately notify p.z.skill game of any unauthorized use of their passwords or accounts or any other breach of security .
•Users agree to exit/log-out of their accounts at the end of each session. p.z.skill game shall not bei responsible for any loss or damage that may result if the User fails to comply with these requirements.
* Users agree not to use cheats, exploits, automation,software, bots, hacks or any unauthorised third party software designed to modify or interfere with p.z.skill game Services and/or p.z.skill game experience or assist in such activity.
* Users agree not to copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, reverse engineer, grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer any right to the technology or software underlying p.z.skill game or p.z.skill games Services.
•Users agree that without p.z.skill games express written consent, they shall not modify or cause to be modified any files or software that are part of p.z.skill games Services.
* Users agree not to disrupt, overburden, or aid or assist in the disruption or overburdening of (a) any computer or server used to offer or support p.z.skill games or the p.z.skill games Services (each a "Server"); or

(2) the enjoyment of p.z.skill games Services by any other user or person.

* Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the server or network of the User Account connected to the p.z.skill games Services through any means other than through the User Interface provided by p.z.skill games , including but not limited to the prevention or modification of fraud or alteration. or encourage or assist any other person to interfere with or modify any security technology device or software of which it is a part or of which it is a part.

P Z Skill Game Service

•Uses the foregoing agrees not to use any of the following PZ Skill Games
•To engage in Any obscene, offensive, indecent, defamatory, communal, anti-national, objectionable, racially or abusive action or communication.
•Harassing, threatening or otherwise violating any legal rights of other persons
* Unauthorized access to p.z.skill games is a violation of these Terms and Conditions and a violation of the law
•Users agree not to access p.z.skill games through any means other than through the interface provided by p.z.skill games. They agree not to access p.z.skill games through automated means approved by us in advance and in writing, without limitation to access, monitor or copy any part of our Site, agents, robots, scrips or spiders of any kind. Users agree not to use automated means
•Users may reach out to p.z.skill games through –
•Helpdesk if the user has any concerns with regard to a quiz and/or contest within Forty Eight ( 48) hours of winner declaration for the concerned contest.
•Persons below the age of eighteen (18) years are not allowed to participate on any of the contests, games (by whatever name called) on the p.z.skill games Platform. The Users will have to disclose their real age at the time of getting access into the p.z.skill games Platform.
* p.z.skill games may not be held responsible for anything content contriputed by Users on the p.z.skill games .

Conditions of Participation:

By entering a Contest, user agrees to be bound by these Terms and the decisions of p.z.skill games. Subject to the terms and conditions stipulated herein below, the company at its sole discretion may disqualify any user from a contest, refuse to award· benefits or prizes and require the return of any priies, if the user engages in unfair conduct, which the company deems to be improper, unfair or otherwise adverse to the operation of the contest or is in any way detrimental to other Users which includes, but is not limited to Distributor Registration for a contest
In order to register for the Contest(s), Participants are required to accurately provide the following
•Full Name
•E-mail address
•State of Residence
•bate of birth
Participants are also required to confirm that they have read, and shall abide by, these Terms and Conditions.
In the event a Participant indicates, while entering an address, that he/she is a resident of either Assam, Odisha, Sikkim, Nagaland or Telangana, such Participant. will not be permitted to proceed to login for any match in the paid version of the Contest as described below.

Legality of Game of Skill

* Games of skill are legal, as they are excluded from the ambit of Indian gambling legislations including, the Public Gambling act 1867, the Supreme Court of India in the cases of State of Andhra Pradesh v. K. Satyanarayana (AIR 1968 SC 825) and K. R. Laxman v. State of Tamil Nadu (AIR 1996 SC 1153) has held that a game in which success depends predominantly upon the superior knowledge, training, attention, experience and adroitness of the player shall be classified as a game of skill.
* The Quiz (s) described above (across the p.z.skill game Services) are games of skill
* By participating in this. Contest(s), each Participant acknowledges and agrees that he/she is participating in a game of skill.


* The Quiz(s) are open . only to persons above the age of 18 years.
* The Quiz(s) are open only to persons, currently residing in India.
* p.z.skill game may, in accordance with the laws prevailing in certain Indian states, bar individuals residing in those states from participating in the Contest(s). Currently, individuals· residing in the Indian states of Assam, Odisha, Sikkim, Nagaland or Telangana may not participate in the paid version of the Contest as the laws of these states bar persons from participating in games of skill where participants are required to pay to enter.
* Distributor who wish to participate must have a valid email address.

* Taxes Payable

All prizes shall be .subject to deduc;tion of tax ("TDS") as per the Income Tax Act 1961. As. of April 1, 2018, the TDS rate prescribed by the Government of India with respect to any prize money amount that is in excess of Rs. 10,000/- is 31.2°/o of the total prize money amount. In case of any revisions by the Government of India to the forementioned rate in the future, TDS will be deducted by p.z.skill game in accordance with the then current prescribed TDS rate. Winners will be provided TDS certificates in respect of such tax deductions. The Winners shall be responsible for payment of any other applicable tax, including but not limited to, income tax, gift tax, etc. in respect of the prize money.

* Miscellaneous

The decision of p.z.skill game with respect to the awarding of prizes shall be final, binding and non- contestable Participants playing the paid formats of the Quiz(s) confirm that they are not residents of any of the following Indian states - Assam, . Odisha, . Sikkim, Nagaland or Telangana. If it is found that a Participant playing the paid formats of the Quiz(s) is. a resident of any of the abovementioned states, p.z.skill game shall disqualify such Participant and forfeit any prize won by such Participant. p.z.skill game may, at its sole and absolute discretion, vary or modify the prizes being offered to winners. Participants shall not raise any claim against p.z.skill game or question its right to modify such prizes being offered, prior to closure of the Quiz.”

General Conditions

If it comes to· the notice of p.z.skill game that any governmental, statutory or regulatory compliances or approvals are required for conducting any Quiz(s) or if it comes to the notice of p.z.skill game that conduct of any such Quiz(s) is prohibited, then p.z.skill game shall withdraw and / or cancel such Quiz(s) without prior notice to any Participants or ,winners of any Quiz(s). Users agree not to make any claim in· respect of such cancellation or withdrawal of th.e Quiz or Quiz it in any manner. Employees, directors, affiliates, relatives and family members of p.z.skill game , will not be eligible to participate in any Quiz(s).
* p.z.skill game reserves the rlght to change/modify/or
* The Terms and Conditions, as applicable to the p.z.skill game's and services, will apply to and govern the Program .
* Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the aggregate lic:ibility of p.z.skill game to a participating Inviter/Invitee in relation· to the Program for any reason whatsoever shall not exceed Rs.100 .